Testimony CWD : Guillaume Hennequin

My name is Guillaume Hennequin, I am a French rider and have been living in Switzerland for about twelve years. I have two roles at the stables that I rent in Chavannes-des-Bois between Geneva and Nyon. On the one hand I pass on my knowledge through teaching and on the other I work as a professional competitive rider.

Interview of Guillaume Hennequin, a french teacher and rider.


1/ What does CWD bring to your daily life?

CWD reassures me in my daily work, as I don't have to worry whether my equipment will meet my horses’ needs. My equipment is tailor-made for me and my horses. I have two Mademoiselle saddles, one a little wider than the other, and both are raised half a centimetre for more comfort. What’s more, they fit all my horses. I feel that it really frees up my movements and riding. As an instructor, I like to talk about posture, the rider’s position, the attitude they adopt and how they work in the saddle. I often talk about the verticality of the rider’s position and CWD helps me to pass on all these technical aspects.

That’s something that always struck me about CWD. The first time I rode with a CWD saddle - it was almost 20 years ago - it was on a classic saddle and I remember very clearly that the stirrup bars were already set further back compared to other saddles. This showed innovation and free thinking from the brand and I took to it immediately. It feels like my horses and I are freer in our movements thanks to the verticality provided by the CWD saddles.


2/ Why did you choose the 2Gs?

I rode with a 2G for a long time. The carbon saddletree really suits me, and I found a feeling of freedom in the way in which my horse’s shoulders moved. With the 2Gs and the 2Gs Mademoiselle I had these same sensations, but with more lightness.


3/ How do you care for your 2Gs?

We use the products that are provided with the saddles We don’t use anything else not even another soap. To be honest, I’m lucky to have my groom who takes really good care of my material.  So, I don’t have to do it often (laughs).


4/ What is your favourite customisation?

In general, I like anything that is fairly classic and discreet. I opted for the ivory customisation. Riders often tell me that my saddles look good and often go on to buy a used one or have a new one made. I think the Mademoiselle is very chic and I like it without any colour. But it’s a very personal choice.


5/ What makes your 2Gs saddle a real plus at competitions?

Again, I think it is this notion of freedom, it’s a feeling that I'm more easily balanced, I have a saddle that helps me to stay balanced even at full speed, even when I jump higher or even when I ride a young horse. There is nothing about my saddle that restricts my movement, but I like a saddle that can support me when I ride.

6/ To whom would you recommend the 2Gs?

The 2Gs and the 2Gs Mademoiselle are saddles that represent an investment. In fact, buyers are more like enlightened amateur competitive riders. In the past I have had occasion to lend my saddle to someone at a lower level – when trying out a horse or on a special occasion – and I have to admit that it is better to have a good saddle right from the start to make sure you adopt a good position.


7/ What advice would you give to someone who has just bought a 2Gs?

If the problem is the initial investment, I would suggest looking among the used saddles. You can always find something that’s just right. I also believe in trusting the CWD sport saddle experts who are used to finding the right saddle for every rider. Riders can also use their coaches to develop a suitable saddle. Then there's nothing left to do but enjoy yourself and no more excuses for riders who have a bad position (laughs).


8/ How is your competition season going?

I am in a transition year and that’s a good thing given the current crisis.   I have more horses that belong to clients and horses that are being trained. I had an old horse which was winning less and less prize money at shows. I think that it was a sign to progressively end his career. I’m focusing more on my young horses, on my horses that are for sale and on my clients.

Guillaume in a flash

- What series are you currently watching? I have just finished watching Ozark on Netflix.
- Your favourite town: Fontainebleau. I like coming back to Fontainebleau, it’s the town where riders meet up. I like returning to my roots.   
- Your mentors: That's a tough question, I have loads (laughs). Colonel Faure, the former Chief Ecuyer of the Cadre Noir of Saumur. And obviously Steve Guerdat, a rider who is really inspiring. He always tries to ensure his horses are comfortable.   
- Your guilty pleasure? Drinking too much coffee.